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Big toys can bring many joys!
But they come with a big price tag.

Safeguard your investment with RV Park 'n' Protect™.

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Get Protected Today!

Worry-free, where-ever you are

Protecting your valuable "Big Toy" from the unexpected is essential.
Let RV Park 'n' Protect™ safeguard and give you peace of mind from the following...

Deductible Reimbursement
Content Protection
On-site Accident Protection
Burglary Protection
Fire and Explosion Coverage
Vandalism Coverage

RV Park 'n' Protect™ can pick up the slack that your vehicle insurance leaves behind–like

RV Park 'n' Protect™ is the industry's first-to-market protection program for RV & Boat Storage facilities. This turnkey protection program offers supplemental top rated protection plans to protect your tenants' recreational vehicles with no upfront cost to the facility owner. Starting at .50 cents a day, a tenant can enjoy added value and peace of mind while the facility owner creates in one month an additional profitable revenue stream.

RV Park 'n' Protect™ provides boat protection plans, camper protection plans & more with benefits including a deductible reimbursement for unexpected out-of-pocket expenses, on-site/off-site contents theft protection with up to $1,500 coverage, and minor on-site accidental damage coverage. RV Park 'n' Protect™ will fill the gaps left by your tenant's vehicle insurance and safeguard their investment - and your facility.

  • Dropped or reduced coverages while the vehicle is stored or parked
  • The out-of-pocket expenses with high deductibles
  • Those surprise dings, dents, scrapes or scratches that are not in the budget
  • Contents coverage on or off site
  • For as little as .50 cents per day

It’s the smartest way to ensure you’re protecting your prized possessions, so you can have all the fun in the world, worry-free, whenever and wherever you go.

safer4u flyer
Smiling employees

Protection benefits everyone

RV Park 'n' Protect™ allows you to enjoy every moment of your outdoor adventures, never wasting a minute worrying about impending hazards. You can never be sure what’s in store with Mother Nature and Lady Luck, but you’ll know that you’re covered with RV Park 'n' Protect™.

Find a plan that’s right for you today.