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Coverage Breakdown - RV Park 'n' Protect

September 5, 2023

Coverage Breakdown for RV Park ‘n’ Protect™

Accidents happen. It is not a matter of if, but when they will happen. Dents and scratches can occur to even the most careful of drivers, and unexpected outside forces can wreak havoc in several ways. Preparing for the inevitable is sure to produce more favorable outcomes for everyone involved.

RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ has the coverage your tenants want and need. Our comprehensive protection plans have a lot of advantages for both you and your tenants. Our protection plan is an efficient way for you to make money while your tenants save money. Your tenants can lower the costs of their policies by utilizing our protection plan to cover gaps in coverage and the incidents that occur in storage while inactive. Below is a coverage breakdown, so you can know exactly what sort of gaps we close and compare how our protection plan is superior.

Content Protection

It is not just the outside of recreational vehicles that need to be covered. Tenants entrust your facility to keep their big ticket items safe, including the contents within. What is unique about RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ is that the contents of your vehicle you choose to protect are covered up to $500 both on and off-site. This includes items that are not permanently affixed, such as ladders. While on the road or in storage, your tenants will have peace of mind knowing that their protection plan covers the content.

Onsite/Offsite Accident Protection

As a recreational vehicle storage facility owner, you know there are high-traffic areas and seasonal slow periods. There are times when tenants are taking out their boats, RVs, and campers for the spring and summer months. Other parts of the year see tenants winterizing their vehicles and preparing them for long-term storage. Among the hubbub of vehicles being taken out of or put into storage, the odds of tenants bumping into each other are high.

Depending on the incident, certain coverages are extended when offsite as well. This includes content coverage up to $500 for theft or loss/damage off-site. That means if any parts of your investment are tampered with and parts that are supposed to be attached are no longer attached, we provide a reimbursement of up to 50% of the total replacement cost not to exceed $350 of the deductible.

Burglary Protection

You have probably already set up your boat and RV storage facility to be outfitted with the latest security technology. Practical measures like surveillance cameras, fencing, electronic buildings, and gates can help deter most incidents. However, it would be unrealistic to think that these deterrents will work on the most desperate. In the event of theft, RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ is there to make your tenants whole and save the reputation of your facility.

Vandalism Coverage

Just like scenarios of theft, in the event of your tenants’ belongings being destroyed due to vandalism, we cover that too. Claims are easy to make for your tenants, and coverage for damaged items is covered up to the limit of the protection plan purchased.

Fire and Explosion Coverage

When things start to heat up, we remain cool under pressure. In the case of fires and explosions, the gap closed through the protection plan of RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ covers the damage. Despite minimal smoke damage, even the smallest flame can ruin your big investment.

Deductible Reimbursement

RV Park ‘n’ Protect™’s deductible reimbursements are changing the game in protection coverage. We like to call it our “Deductible Burden Relief” plan. This means that we remove the “out-of-pocket” insurance deductible expense associated with an “insurance claim” in the event of an on-site accident, loss, or damage.

RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ is the best solution for both RV storage facility owners and operators and their tenants. Planning for the unexpected can feel overwhelming at first, but once you break things down into smaller sizes, it is easy to examine every piece. In addition to protecting your customers, you are also generating additional revenue for your business. It is easy to get started with utilizing RV Park ‘n’ Protect™ at your facility, and it is even easier for your tenants to file a claim. Get started by contacting us today.